About Us 2024-04-19T14:41:50-05:00

Over the past fifteen years, CAS has performed internal audits for court units throughout the United States and its territories in addition to providing other administrative services. We are a privately-held, member-owned company headquartered in the Lexington, Kentucky area – in the heart of the “Bluegrass” state. Since the company’s inception, CAS has been the leader in helping federal court units define opportunities to outsource some of its specialized administrative functions including the following:

  • First company to provide an independent and comprehensive internal audit to a federal court unit;
  • First company to help court units get “geared-up” for the AO’s cyclical audit by focusing on administrative areas that typically have the “top ten” findings in the external financial audits;
  • First company to help court units design a comprehensive internal control manual;
  • First company used by court units to outsource their “self-audit” using the federal judiciary’s Self-Assessment Tool; and
  • First company directly used by court units to provide internal control training to court unit executives and senior staff.

Our commitment: Delivering competence, trust, and value

At CAS, we know the federal judiciary and we know it well. As a national vendor, we have performed internal audits for over 165 court units throughout the federal judiciary including U.S. Circuit Courts, U.S. District Courts, U.S. Bankruptcy Courts, U.S. Probation Offices, U.S. Pretrial Services Offices, and Federal Public Defender organizations. We are committed to staying on top of current federal judiciary policy and guidelines and local court unit practices. We accomplish this by working with our existing clients and through alliances with former federal court unit employees and other federal judiciary employees who had “hands on” experience in the financial management and other administrative areas of the “courts”.

We believe our competence within the federal judiciary helps us build trust with our clients and ensure our clients receive real value through the services we offer.